Zebras are small birds with distinctive grayish coloration, reddish cheeks and an intense orange or red beak. Their attractive appearance and lively character make them one of the most widely kept pet birds in the world.

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Zebras how long do they live and where do they come from? – or some basic information
Zebras are birds that naturally inhabit Australia and the Lesser Sundaic Islands. However, they have been introduced to areas of Brazil, the United States, Puerto Rico and Portugal. Thanks to their high adaptability, they feel comfortable in these areas and are not in danger of extinction – their range is even expanding all the time. Zebras, on average, live from 3 to 5 years in the wild, and up to 10 years in cages, and reach up to 10 centimeters. Unlike parrots, they are not fond of human touch, but like to build their nests in the corners of the cage. They are very mobile, and sing and dance during courtship.
Zebra feeding – what should it look like?
What do zebra finches eat? These friendly birds have a large appetite – they eat eagerly and often. Their basic food is grain, especially millet. However, they are omnivorous and will not disdain insects. They value a varied diet, which helps them conserve energy. What might the diet of zebra finches look like? Whether you bet on high-quality ready-made food or compose the meals yourself, they should be rich in grains and grass seeds. These birds are fond of senegal millet in the form of ears, so they can pluck individual grains themselves.
An indispensable part of their diet is also vegetables – including carrots, beets and cucumbers. However, birds must not be given plants that contain oxalates. Although they sometimes need to be encouraged to eat vegetables, fruits are very much liked by them very fond of. Zebras love strawberries, watermelon, apples, pears and bananas. Fruits such as plums and apricots should be given without seeds. The diet can also be varied with green plants from organic areas that are free from exhaust fumes and pollution – examples include plantain, bellows medicinal, willow twigs and yarrow. Protein for zebras can be provided in two ways – through dairy products, including white cheese, yogurt or egg whites eggs, and as live food. The birds will gladly eat whitefly or pier larvae and small crickets.
In reasonable quantities, they can be fed oil seeds, such as sunflower, flaxseed and pumpkins. However, an excess of these can lead to overweight and, as a result, to health problems. The zebrafish diet should not should not lack water. In the wild, these birds are found wherever they have free access to water, which allows them to grow healthily and allows them to reproduction.

What kind of cage for zebra finches?
Before you decide to welcome a feathered pet into the family, you need to take care of creating a pleasant nest for him in which he will feel comfortable. In the case of zebra finches, the basis is a cage. It is known – the larger, the better, as this will translate into their well-being and health. Its optimal size is important because these birds are best kept in flocks or at least in pairs. The best choice is a rectangular-shaped zebra cage, and although it does not have to be very tall, it should provide for horizontal movement. The minimum size for two birds is 60x40x60 cm – however, if we have such possibilities, it is better to invest in a larger model. Zebras like to nest in the corners of their cages, so it is not recommended to buy round models, in which the animals would not feel safe. To ensure their safety, it is worth paying special attention to the distances between the bars – they should not be greater than 8-10 mm. Otherwise, the bird could squeeze its head between the bars, or even escape.
Zebras breeding and breeding
Zebras are the best choice for beginners who are just starting out their adventure with bird breeding. Thanks to the fact that they are kept in pairs, they do not need the company of humans. It is only worth remembering to select individuals similar in age. The reproduction of zebra finches is quite easy. In a cage it is enough to provide the birds with a large amount of soft material – for example dry grass – to build a nesting area. You should also hang as high as possible nesting box, measuring at least 15x10x15 cm.
However, it is not recommended that the pair have offspring more than 4x a year, which could adversely affect their health. Although it happens that birds can already have offspring at the age of 8 weeks, individuals that are less than 9 months old should not be allowed to breed. The pair should be healthy and well-fed, because only then can they properly raise chicks. If you plan to breed zebra finches, it’s worth investing in a larger cage right away – it’s good if it has two pairs of doors, because then an external nesting box can be attached to one of them. If you decide just to breed zebra finches, such breeding will give you a lot of fun with minimal commitment. All you need is a little knowledge and willingness to create favorable conditions for the birds.
Emily Carter is an experienced pet enthusiast and writer, with over a decade of experience caring for and working with animals. From her early days volunteering at animal shelters to becoming a pet care advisor, Emily has dedicated her life to understanding the unique needs of pets and helping pet owners provide the best possible care for their furry companions. She is especially passionate about topics like pet nutrition, behavior, training, and animal welfare.