The problem of urinating in the house, or micturition, occurs in both small and large breeds of dogs. Whether it is just a subtle marking of the area, or urinating in larger quantities can be very troublesome for the owners of the four-legged dog. In order to deal with this “wet problem” it is worth, first of all, to know the reason why the dog pees in the house.

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Why the dog pees in the house – finding the cause
If our dog pees in the apartment, we need to consider several questions to correctly identify the problem. Of great importance is the amount of urination and whether the problem appeared suddenly. It’s also worth analyzing where the dog is urinating – whether it’s happening near a door or things that might smell of another dog. However, before we take any action, it is worth going with our pet to the vet to rule out health causes. Why? Because diseases of the bladder and kidneys very often manifest themselves in excessive urine production and, as a result, our dog constantly pees in the house.
The important role of cleanliness training
If we have already made sure that our friend is healthy, but for as long as we can remember the dog has been peeing in the house – perhaps the cause is poorly conducted cleanliness training. It happens that our pet sees nothing wrong with urinating in the house, because no one has taught him that it’s a good idea to go outside to urinate. It is a mistake to punish a dog for taking care of his need in the house, or worse, to stick his muzzle in the feces, as this can only result in worsening the problem. So what is worth doing? Take the time to carefully and diligently train our pet to be clean. Usually a few weeks is enough to teach your dog where to take care of his needs. However, it is important to remember that in order to succeed, we should praise our pet for successes – for example, through dog treats, and ignore failures.

Adult dog peeing in the house what to do? – sudden changes
If your dog’s peeing at home started suddenly even though he didn’t do it before, the reason may be a change in environment or daily routine. He may be experiencing severe stress after the move and may not yet feel safe in the new place. However, if you spend enough time with him and provide him with new positive stimuli to de-stress him – for example, by buying new toys for the dog, he will regain his confidence. A change in the owner’s schedule – for example, different walking hours or longer than usual breaks between them – can also cause sudden urination at home. So our pet’s walks should be long enough for him not only to settle his physiological needs, but also to relieve his emotions.
Why an adult dog pees in the house in his sleep
We may encounter the situation that our adult, and especially already elderly, dog pees in his sleep. Sleep incontinence is a common problem for aging pets, as it involves a loss of muscle strength in areas that are responsible for controlling urine flow. This is a particularly difficult situation when we want to sleep with our pet in the same bed. In addition to old age, bladder infection, urethral obstruction and nerve disorders can also cause this situation. What can bring relief to our four-legged friend? Studies show that increasing the dog’s activity, allowing it to empty its bladder every few hours and taking in plenty of water to drink have a positive effect. Also of no small importance are specially selected veterinary dog foods, affecting better kidney function.

Dog pees with joy
This is especially common among puppies and young dogs. The dog pees for joy at the sight of its owner, as its still weak bladder muscles can’t handle the excitement. In this case, it’s a good idea to work on controlling the dog’s emotions by keeping it on low arousal. When the dog pees on greeting, you should enter the house completely ignoring him, and only speak up after a few minutes when he has calmed down. Is a special dog mat a good solution in this situation? Although this type of dog accessory is eagerly used, we must remember that our pet will not distinguish the mat from the carpet. Thus, in the future, it may slow down the learning of how to settle outside the house.
Adult dog peeing in the house – the importance of the area
Another reason why a dog pees in the house is competition with another male. This situation happens when we have more dogs in the house, or if there is a neighbor’s dog nearby. Urine prominence is most often seen in males who are not neutered and can be associated with anxiety, aggression or competition. Considering neutering usually helps deal with the problem. It is also recommended to provide the dog with more exercise to relieve negative emotions and tension.
Emily Carter is an experienced pet enthusiast and writer, with over a decade of experience caring for and working with animals. From her early days volunteering at animal shelters to becoming a pet care advisor, Emily has dedicated her life to understanding the unique needs of pets and helping pet owners provide the best possible care for their furry companions. She is especially passionate about topics like pet nutrition, behavior, training, and animal welfare.