What is the most pleasant sound in the world ? For true purr lovers, it’s certainly that distinctive and motoric purring sound you often hear from your pet! But why do cats actually purr ? Is it always a sign of happiness? What should you do if your cat does not purr?

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What does a cat’s purring mean?
A cat’s purr can be compared to a smile. We smile to foster social relations and show contentment. With a smile, the atmosphere becomes more relaxed and open. This is why our pets purr when we stroke them – they want to show us that they are comfortable and feel content. Both small cats and older cats, pedigree cats and dachshunds purr.
And how is it that our sweet purr makes this pleasant sound? Interestingly, scientists to this day do not agree on how cats produce this characteristic sound, vibrating their bodies while not causing muscle tension or loss of breath. It is not entirely clear whether the purring sound comes from the laryngeal muscles or whether the hyoid bone is responsible.
Why does a cat purr – is it exclusively a sign of happiness?
What does it mean when a cat purrs? Although in most cases it is a sign of happiness, cats can also purr if they are upset and want to regulate their own stress levels, and when they are soothing pain. It happens when we visit the vet with our pet, when our pet is weakened or seriously ill. Purring starts as early as small cats, around 3 weeks old. The cat mom purrs to signal to the kittens that she is next to them and to calm them down. A cat’s purring can also come in different tones. A cat that is sick, stressed, hungry or happy will purr in a different way. However, why do cats purr most often? It is their way of communicating with humans. Scientists note that cats among themselves rarely use purring, while in relation to humans they do it very readily. The intensity of purring can also increase as meal time approaches. And why do cats purr at night? Very often they want to signal in this way that their bowl is already empty. It may also be that our purr is awake and wants to encourage its owner to pet it.

Why does a cat purr and bite during daily petting?
This scenario is probably familiar to every purr owner – we gently stroke our pet in his favorite spot. He purrs and seems to look extremely happy, until here he suddenly bites us painfully. Although these bites while showing love are not painful – we wonder why the cat purrs and bites?
Experienced feline behaviorists note that a cat’s biting during petting may be entirely unintentional. As part of grooming, mutts lick an area of their fur for a period of time and then use their teeth to comb through the fur. Similarly, a cat tries to take care of our hand, during daily petting. It’s also worth keeping in mind that not every purr loves stroking as much as its owner likes it. Perhaps our purr wants to enjoy our company and rest in our lap, but does not want to be stroked? Some cats also do not like to be touched in specific places – for example, on or around the belly or tail. How to react in such a situation? Sometimes it is useful to redirect the pet’s attention to another activity and, for example, offer favorite cat toys. We should also allow only short petting sessions and assess the cat’s interest at all times, and stop stroking if there are any signs of discomfort.

What if the purr doesn’t purr?
Why doesn’t the cat purr ? Not all cats purr – roaring cats such as jaguars, leopards and tigers do not. Also, cats that were raised by a wild mother, away from humans, may not have this habit. It is not uncommon for a very small cat not to purr loudly until it is old enough. It is also worth remembering that cats are very different from each other – perhaps our pet purrs so quietly that only gentle vibrations can be felt. Why doesn’t the cat purr? The production of cat sounds is also affected by the presence of other animals in the house – the stress of a new household member can mentally block the cat’s purring for a long time. In very rare situations, the lack of purring results in anatomical defects.
Is it possible to induce quality purring in our pet? It is worth learning about his habits and preferences. If your purr has stopped purring for some time, perhaps you should show your pet more love and take care of its well-being? Certainly, a favorite wet cat food will prove to be a helpful tool. It’s not uncommon for such accessories as cat scratchers to help de-stress and make your purr feel good, and then perhaps he will repay us with a nice purr. However, it is important to remember that purring is not the only way in which purrs show us love. If our pet is healthy, eager to play, washes regularly and enjoys relaxing in our company, we need not worry – he certainly loves us very much!
Emily Carter is an experienced pet enthusiast and writer, with over a decade of experience caring for and working with animals. From her early days volunteering at animal shelters to becoming a pet care advisor, Emily has dedicated her life to understanding the unique needs of pets and helping pet owners provide the best possible care for their furry companions. She is especially passionate about topics like pet nutrition, behavior, training, and animal welfare.