What kind of terrarium for a grain snake?

Reading time: 4 minutes

We most often associate a pet with a fluffy dog or cat. However, more and more often exotic grain snakes are appearing in private homes. Observing the daily life and habits of such an interesting creature for many people is extremely appealing. However, when deciding on a pet, we need to provide it with the best possible conditions. What kind of terrarium for a grain snake to choose and how to arrange it?

Cereal snake terrarium – what do we need to know about it?

The grain snake is extremely popular among breeders. No wonder – it has a slender and muscular body and a very attractive coloration. Moreover, it is a species that will not cause many difficulties for beginner terrarists. It naturally lives in wooded areas – both dry and steppe areas, as well as among moist rainforests. It loves to climb trees and swim. The construction of a terrarium for the grain snake is therefore aimed at providing it with conditions as close as possible to those it enjoys in the wild. It should be made of glass and placed in a place away from drafts, windows and radiators – so as to take care of a constant temperature in our pet’s room.

What kind of terrarium for a grain snake?

When building a terrarium for our pet, we must first consider what size it should be. Although they are not large snakes, we should take care of the right amount of space. It is worth sticking to the rule that the length of their enclosure should be 2/3 of the length of the snake, and the width should be 1/3 of its dimensions. So the minimum dimensions are usually 80x40x40 cm. However, if you decide to keep 2 individuals, it should be larger. A horizontal-type terrarium, that is, longer than taller, will do an excellent job. Deciding on an appropriately sized room for our pet, it will be easier to take care of its feeding and good condition. There will also be enough space for other terrarium accessories, which will make the snake feel almost like in natural conditions.

Terrarium for the snake – take care of its climate

To create perfect conditions for our pet, we need to take care of optimal heating of the terrarium. The temperature should be an average of 25 to 28 degrees Celsius. It is worth ensuring that it is up to 32 degrees C in spots, while at night a lower temperature – around 24 degrees C – will be ideal. As a terrarium heating will be excellent heating mats or cables, and in large terrariums a properly protected light bulb. However, the heating cables should cover only half of the terrarium and should be properly secured so that the snake cannot dig them out and come into direct contact with them. Young specimens, on the other hand, feel perfectly comfortable at a constant temperature of 27-28 degrees C. What kind of terrarium lighting to opt for? It is worth remembering that the grain snake does not require UVB lamp irradiation. It obtains vitamin D3 from food, not from light. Moreover, it needs an area in the terrarium that is semi-dark. Taking this into account, you can dispense with lighting altogether, especially if you heat the terrarium with a mat or heating cables.

What kind of terrarium for a grain snake – choosing the right substrate

What substrate for the terrarium to choose? This can be dusted sawdust, coconut fiber, or even newspapers or paper towels. However, it is not recommended to use ordinary sawdust, sand, peat or coconut chip. The cereal snake loves to swim, so we should make sure that the terrarium has a pool adapted to its dimensions. Our pet will be able to drip in it, drink water from it and it will work perfectly as a terrarium humidifier. It is worth remembering that the water in the container should always be clean and fresh, especially since the snake can take care of its needs in it and stay there during the moulting period. In addition, a wet and tight hiding place around the pool will prove indispensable for the pet – it can be made of moss or even a wet sponge. It is worth taking care that the humidity in the terrarium is kept between 40 – 70%.

Terrarium equipment for a grain snake

What equipment is worth taking care of so that the grain snake feels safe in its new home? All kinds of branches, lianas, roots, pieces of bark and other tight hiding places will be excellent. We should make sure that the snake’s enclosure has both a hiding place on the warm side and a cold side. The terrarium can be equipped with live and artificial plants. Especially beginner breeders must also remember that bean snakes love to escape – so the terrarium should be regularly checked for cracks and holes. Of considerable importance is also the right food for reptiles and amphibians, which we must adjust to the age of our pet.

John M. Harrison is a passionate terrarist and reptile hobbyist with over 15 years of hands-on experience. Based in Portland, Oregon, John has cultivated his love for reptiles, amphibians, and invertebrates by building and maintaining thriving terrariums and vivariums in his home. His articles, are dedicated to helping enthusiasts—both beginners and experienced keepers—create the ideal habitats for their pets. He shares practical tips, habitat guides, and stories from his own collection.

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