What fish for a pond – pond, what is worth knowing?

Reading time: 4 minutes

A pond is a very attractive design element that is very popular. No wonder! The sound of water calms and relaxes, creating a pleasant atmosphere in the garden. However, a pond can be not only a beautiful decoration, but also a place that is teeming with life – just make sure that fish live in it. What kind of fish for a pond is worth choosing? What should you know about their breeding?

What kind of fish for a pond?

Watching and feeding fish in the comfort of your garden can be a source of great joy. In addition, the choice of species that can be raised in a domestic pond is quite large. What fish for ponds will prove to be the best choice?

  • Ornamental carp – this is a long-lived and hardy fish, which is distinguished by its attractive appearance. Most often it is characterized by an orange, intense coloration. It is undemanding and can be raised in tanks of different sizes. It reaches up to 30 cm in length. Ornamental crucian carps live in flocks, so it is worth deciding on several fish to further enrich our pond.
  • Sunfish – is a nicely colored and very lively fish that reaches a length of 8-10 cm. It gets its name from the unique shade of its scales, which reflect the sun’s rays. Most often it moves close to the shoreline, in the upper layers of water. It eagerly feeds on algae, larvae and insects. It feels perfectly at home in a school, so it is worth thinking about buying several fish of this species.
  • Koi carp – comes in many color versions, the most common are fish in shades of white, black and red. This is a species that reaches a sizable size – up to 80 cm, so it is worth opting for it if you own a larger pond. Koi carp are long-lived, they need clean water, sandy substrate and food rich in protein. Although they are slightly more demanding fish, their beautiful appearance and unique coloration reward all the effort.
  • Golden orpha – is a larger fish with a bright coloration. It reaches a size of more than 50 cm, so it is recommended for larger tanks. It likes to swim close to the surface of the water and quickly becomes accustomed to feeding, so it can be easily observed. The golden orpha is a herd fish and eagerly feeds on insects.

Fish for the pond – what should be kept in mind?

Before buying specific species of fish for the pond, it is worth remembering to let them into the tank already after planting. It is best to wait about 3 weeks after filling the pond with water. The ideal time to do this is spring, because then it is easiest to identify the sex of the fish.

What should be the size of the tank? Optimal ponds for fish breeding are about 15-20 square meters. It is worth assuming that, on average, for every 10 cm of fish there is 100 water. While keeping in mind how big the fish of a particular species will be as they grow up. In order for the fish to quickly acclimate to our tank, it is good if they are young and small in size. However, immediately after their purchase, they should not be allowed into the pond, as this could cause thermal shock. A much better solution is to place the closed bag in which the fish were transported on the water surface until it equals the water temperature – that is, about 15-20 minutes.

What to feed the fish in the pond?

In order to keep the fish in the pond healthy and delightfully attractive, it is necessary to take care of their well-balanced diet. Food requirements and preferences vary depending on the species. However, fish for the pond should not be fed too often, as this could lead to contamination of the water in the tank. It is usually enough to do this every other day, or even once every few days. Slightly more food can be fed before winter – for example, using special foods with higher calories. What is worth knowing about feeding specific species?

  • Omnivorous fish – including ornamental crucian carp – are not very demanding when it comes to feeding. They will be satisfied with dry food in the form of flakes, pellets or sticks. Young specimens can be fed the same food as aquarium fish.
  • Food for pond fish that reach larger sizes ( koi carp, for example) should be rich in protein. It is worth betting on food in the form of pellets, which contain spirulina. Larger specimens that are tame can be fed special prepared treats directly from the hand.
  • Food for pond fish that have a golden coloration – for example, ornamental carp – should be rich in carotenoids. Many species of fish will also happily eat floating sticks, called sticks.

In stores we can also buy food for carnivorous fish, which is rich in fats and animal ingredients. Some herbivorous fish species (including amurs) readily feed on plants in the pond. They can be used to clean heavily overgrown tanks. However, if you want to maintain a large number of plants in the pond, it is worth giving up these species.

Although a pond can exist without fish, they can be a source of great joy. To enjoy healthy fish that feel comfortable in our pond, it is worth finding out what their requirements are, and then provide them with the best possible conditions.

Elliot S. Radcliffe is an enthusiastic aquarist who has been deeply involved in the hobby for over a decade. Elliot discovered their passion for aquaristics when they inherited a small betta fish tank during college. This initial encounter sparked a deep interest in aquatic life and ecosystem management.

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