The St. Bernard is one of the largest dog breeds in the world, known primarily for its beauty and pleasant disposition. It originated in the Swiss Alps, where it was first used as a herding dog and later as a mountain rescue dog. Today, the St. Bernard is first and foremost a human companion, which impresses with its gentleness, loyalty and intelligence.
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St. Bernard – description and appearance of the breed
The St. Bernard is a dog with an impressive physique and elegant stature. Males of this breed reach a height at the withers of 70 to 90 cm, and the weight of an adult dog is 60 to 90 kg. Thus, they are truly impressive dogs that attract attention wherever they appear. Their coat is thick and soft, and colors can vary from white through reddish-brown to black with white spots.

Character of the St. Bernard dog
The St. Bernard is a dog with a very friendly nature that loves to spend time with people. They are very intelligent dogs that learn new things quickly and like to play. Although they are very gentle and calm, they also happen to be very energetic and impetuous, especially at a young age.
Skills – what should you know?
The St. Bernard is a dog that excels as a companion and family care dog. They are very loyal and attached to their owners, which makes them well suited to apartment life. They are also very obedient and easy to train, making them ideal for various services, such as rescue or therapy dogs.
What kind of personality does it have?
The St. Bernard is a dog with a very positive and gentle personality. They are very sensitive dogs that need a lot of attention and affection from their handlers. They are also very friendly and sociable, which makes them easy to interact with other dogs and people.
St. Bernard – how to train and raise?
Training and raising a St. Bernard is not complicated, but it requires certain skills and patience from the owner. It is important to start training from an early age, so that the dog learns basic commands and rules of behavior. It is also important to pay attention to the dog’s socialization, that is, to allow it to get to know other dogs, animals and people.
For whom is the St. Bernard suitable?
The St. Bernard is a dog that is suitable for families with children, singles, but also elderly people. They are very friendly and loyal dogs that love to spend time with people and accompany them in various activities. However, it is worth remembering that this is a large and demanding dog, so before deciding to adopt one, you should carefully consider your options and housing conditions.
St. Bernard – price
The price of a St. Bernard depends primarily on the origin and breeding class of the dog. For puppies from reputable kennels you need to pay from 3,000 to 8,000 zlotys, but there are also cheap offers, such as on advertising portals, where puppies can be bought for about 1,000 zlotys. However, it is worth remembering that the price of a dog is not the only cost associated with its ownership, and these costs also include feeding, veterinary care and other expenses related to the maintenance of the dog.

Advantages and disadvantages of the St. Bernard
The St. Bernard is a large and demanding dog that needs space for exercise and physical activity. They are a dog that can be very spirited and energetic at a young age, which requires the caregiver to be properly engaged. The St. Bernard is also a dog that may suffer from some health problems, especially related to their large weight and physique.
The St. Bernard is a very friendly and loyal dog that loves to spend time with people and accompany them in various activities. They are very intelligent and easy to train dogs that are great for various services. The St. Bernard is also a very beautiful and elegant dog that attracts attention with its impressive physique and soft, dense coat.
St. Bernard – Health, diseases and grooming
The St. Bernard is a large and demanding dog that needs proper nutrition. The dog’s diet should include meat, vegetables and fruits, as well as appropriate dietary supplements and vitamins. It is important not to overfeed the dog and to control its weight, as the St. Bernard can tend to become overweight, which in turn leads to serious health problems.
Grooming a St. Bernard requires regular combing and brushing of its soft, dense coat to prevent tangles and keep it in good condition. It is also important to wash the dog regularly and keep its ears, eyes and paws hygienic. It is also very important to trim your dog’s claws, which should be done regularly to avoid twisting and possible injury.
The St. Bernard is a dog that can suffer from certain diseases, especially those related to its large weight and body shape. These include joint dysplasia, von Willebrand’s disease (hemorrhagic disease), diabetes or epilepsy. That’s why it’s important to have regular checkups and watch your dog for any signs of disease.
Accessories and equipment, or how to prepare for this breed?
Getting ready to own a St. Bernard requires the right equipment and accessories. The most important is, of course, a large and comfortable dog bed that will provide adequate rest and comfort. It is also worth ensuring that there are enough toys and accessories, such as muzzles, leashes and feeders. It’s also important to make sure your dog gets the right nutrition, as well as regular visits to the vet to avoid serious health problems.
History of the St. Bernard breed
The St. Bernard is a dog breed that dates back to the 11th century and the Swiss St. Bernard hospice, where dogs were used to help rescue people buried in snow drifts. Initially, the dogs were bred as herding dogs, and their job was to guard cattle and protect people from wild animals. However, when the St. Bernard hospice was established on the Swiss-Italian border, the dogs began to be used to rescue people as well.
Development of the breed
Until the 19th century, St. Bernards were bred in the St. Bernard hospice as working dogs, not as a dog breed. However, over time, their abilities as rescue dogs and therapy aids began to be appreciated. In the 1930s, a breed standard was created that defined the characteristics of the St. Bernard, such as coat color, height and body structure.
During World War I and World War II, the breed was in danger of extinction. After the war, breeders took steps to restore the St. Bernard population, which consisted of only a few individuals. To this end, they began to combine dogs from different kennels, which led to the restoration of the population.
Today, the St. Bernard is a breed of dog that is popular around the world and used in various fields, such as rescue, therapy or assistance in the daily lives of the elderly or disabled. It is also a breed that is very popular as a family dog due to its gentle nature and love for children.

St. Bernard dog breed pattern
The St. Bernard breed standard was established by the International Kennel Federation (FCI). According to this pattern, the St. Bernard should have the following characteristics:
- Height at the withers: dog 70-90 cm, bitch 65-80 cm
- Weight: dog 65-120 kg, bitch 55-90 kg
- Build: strong, muscular and well-built
- Head: large, proportional to the size of the body, with a broad forehead and a well-defined foot
- Ears: medium-sized, adjacent to the head
- Eyes: large, brown or dark brown, with a calm expression
- Coat: long, dense and soft, with a thick layer of undercoat; acceptable colors are white with red, fawn and black with fawn markings
- Paws: large, strong and oval, with toes clustered at the withers
- Tail: long, dangling, with a slight curve at the end
The St. Bernard breed standard also describes the breed’s characteristic behavior. The St. Bernard is a gentle, calm and friendly dog. It is sociable and enjoys spending time with people, especially children. It also has a natural protective instinct and is ready to help in any situation.
When breeding a St. Bernard, attention should be paid to maintaining these traits. An overly aggressive or overly distrustful dog does not meet the breed standard. Any attempt to modify the St. Bernard’s character, for example, by selective breeding, can lead to serious health or behavioral problems in the dog.
St. Bernard – interesting facts about the breed
The St. Bernard is a dog breed that has become very popular around the world due to its impressive size and friendly nature. Here are some interesting facts about this charming breed:
- The St. Bernard is one of the largest dogs in the world. It reaches a weight of 50 to 91 kg, and its height at the withers ranges from 70 to 90 cm. Males are usually larger than females.
- The St. Bernard is one of the oldest breed dogs. Its origin dates back to the 13th century, when the Swiss monastery of St. Bernard bred dogs to help search for lost people in the mountains. However, the St. Bernard is not a pure breed, as over the centuries it has been crossed with other breeds, such as the Tibetan mastiff, the German dog, or the Swiss shepherd dog.
- The St. Bernard was originally bred as a herding dog. His job was to guard the flock, but over time he was also used as a rescue dog. He gained fame when he and Abbot Bernard de Menthon, founder of the hospice at St. Bernard Pass, rescued many people buried in avalanches and lost in the mountains.
- In 1884, a St. Bernard breeders’ club was founded in Switzerland, and in 1937 the breed was recognized by the International Kennel Federation (FCI). Today, the St. Bernard is one of the most popular dog breeds in the world.
- The St. Bernard is often used as a therapy dog, especially in hospitals and hospices. Because of its gentle nature and ability to bond with people, it can help treat certain illnesses such as depression, stress, and heart disease.
- In 2016, the “World Dog Expo” was held in Florida, USA, where St. Bernard owners could showcase their dogs in competitions and contests. Many breeds of dogs took part in the event, but the St. Bernard proved to be one of the most photographed by participants.
- The St. Bernard is a dog with a very sensitive psyche and needs a lot of attention and time from its owner. Despite its size and bulk, it is a very friendly and devoted dog to its family. It is this friendly nature that makes it an ideal dog for families with children and beyond.
The St. Bernard is a dog breed that has many advantages, such as its gentle nature, intelligence and love for children. However, due to its heavy weight and physique, it requires regular grooming and health care. Getting ready to own a St. Bernard requires the right equipment and accessories, such as a comfortable bed, leash and muzzles. Nevertheless, the St. Bernard is a dog that is sure to impress anyone who meets it.
Emily Carter is an experienced pet enthusiast and writer, with over a decade of experience caring for and working with animals. From her early days volunteering at animal shelters to becoming a pet care advisor, Emily has dedicated her life to understanding the unique needs of pets and helping pet owners provide the best possible care for their furry companions. She is especially passionate about topics like pet nutrition, behavior, training, and animal welfare.