A new family member is always an extremely exciting moment in anyone’s life. The new owner of the puppy wants the puppy to feel at home from the first moments in the new house. So it is worthwhile to properly prepare for the arrival of the pet, so that both the first days and further life together will be a source of joy and happiness.

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Preparing a cozy home
The arrival of a puppy is a stressful moment for both him and his owner. To minimize the accompanying, stress, it is worthwhile to already provide the pet with a safe and cozy home where he will feel comfortable. First of all, we need to get a comfortable bed for the puppy to rest in. It is worth buying a bed that can be washed in the washing machine. If necessary, we will move the toddler to its bed, which will be the beginning of training. Puppy bowls are also essential – both for water and food. Recommended are heavy and solid, which the pet will not knock over. Other useful accessories for puppies also include a leash and an adapted collar for the puppy, so that we can train the little one during walks from the first days. An important issue is feeding your pet – puppy food should be easily digestible and rich in protein and other energy components. It must also be adapted to his age, size and sometimes breed.
How to teach a puppy cleanliness?
Training a puppy from the first days in his new home is extremely important. With a little patience and consistency, the toddler will quickly catch on to the most important rules of cleanliness. To begin with, you should learn how to teach your puppy to pee on the mat. Why? Because walking a toddler freshly vaccinated on the lawn, where other dogs also poop, can risk contracting a dangerous disease. It’s worth keeping a post-vaccination quarantine and lining a previously prepared place in the house with special mats. When we notice that the puppy is trying to settle his needs, we efficiently take him to the mat using the command “settle” With time, the toddler will begin to settle in one place. However, we must remember to frequently replace the mat with a new one after each use.

How to teach a puppy to pee outside?
This is another stage that most owners move to over time, once their pet learns to settle on the mat. How to teach a puppy to pee indoors? We need to organize regular walks for him several times a day. Typically, a toddler will feel the need to pee after waking up, after eating and after playing. When going out, on the other hand, we should avoid the pitfall of walks that go on for as long as our pet has to settle down. Dogs are very intelligent animals, and they can then learn to last as long as possible with a full bladder, because in this way they will prolong an exciting walk. On the other hand, they will take care of their needs as soon as they come home. So it is then worth waiting in one place until the puppy has taken care of its needs, and then start walking. Sometimes, however, it happens that the dog, having learned cleanliness, will again do their business in the house. How do we unlearn the dog to settle in the house in such a situation? We should remove all traces of odor as soon as possible and walk the pet every four hours. It is not uncommon that the reason for this behavior is stress or urinary tract inflammation, in which case a visit to a specialist may be necessary.
How to teach your dog to bark at people?
Proper puppy raising is about teaching desired behaviors and eliminating unwanted ones. Certainly, nuisance barking in the house or at other people can lead to annoyance of the owner. Why does a puppy bark? Often it wants to convey its positive emotions to us, such as joy and excitement. Less often it is a threat, warning or boredom. If we want to unlearn a dog’s barking, let’s never soothe it by stroking it or giving it puppy treats, as it will perceive this as a reward. Instead, it is worth diverting his attention, for example, by giving him a command to sit. To help deal with the toddler’s emotions, it is worth providing him with enough exercise and our interest. On the other hand, with our attitude we can show the dog that he has no reason to be afraid – and both in the apartment and during a walk together he can feel safe.

Puppy alone in the house
Sooner or later, even the most caring owner must leave his pet alone at home. What to do so that our absence is not a source of stress for the puppy, and we would feel calm about him? At first, it’s a good idea to leave the toddler alone for a few minutes or so, gradually increasing the time of our absence. If our pet barks or whines, it’s best to ignore his undesirable behavior, while when he is calm you should praise him. We can leave the toddler something to occupy himself with, such as puppy toys or his favorite treat. If we plan to be away for a longer period of time, we should take the dog for a long walk, during which he will be able to let off steam – thanks to this, he will be relaxed and more willing to be left alone.
Emily Carter is an experienced pet enthusiast and writer, with over a decade of experience caring for and working with animals. From her early days volunteering at animal shelters to becoming a pet care advisor, Emily has dedicated her life to understanding the unique needs of pets and helping pet owners provide the best possible care for their furry companions. She is especially passionate about topics like pet nutrition, behavior, training, and animal welfare.