Poodle – character, disposition, price

Reading time: 7 minutes

The Poodle is one of the most popular dog breeds in the world. It has gained its fame for its intelligence, elegant appearance and friendly character. Poodle is a breed that is perfect for living in an apartment and for the company of a family with children.

Poodle – description and appearance of the breed

Poodle is a dog with a distinctive silhouette and an elegant, trimmed coat. There are four sizes of this breed: toy, miniature, medium and large. The toy poodle weighs about 2 to 3 kg, the miniature poodle weighs 4 to 6 kg, the medium poodle weighs 18 to 20 kg, and the large poodle can weigh 24 to 32 kg. The poodle has a stocky, muscular body and movement is agile and balanced.

A characteristic of the poodle is a trimmed coat that requires regular trimming. The poodle can have a coat in black, white, brown, silver, apricot or blue. There are also parti-colored poodles – with different colors of fur on the body.

Character of the poodle dog breed

The poodle is an intelligent, active and friendly dog. It is a breed that needs a lot of attention and interaction with its owner. The poodle is perfect for a family with children and for the company of other pets.

Skills – what should you know?

Poodle is a breed that can successfully participate in many dog sports, such as agility, obedience, and flyball. The poodle is also a working dog and excels as a tracking and fetching dog.

What kind of personality does it have?

The Poodle is a dog with a friendly and submissive nature. It is a breed that becomes very attached to its owner and needs his closeness. Poodle is also a very intelligent dog that is eager to learn and needs intellectual stimulation.

Poodle – how to train and raise?

Poodle is a breed that learns very quickly and willingly follows the commands of its owner. Therefore, it is worth taking advantage of this trait and start training the dog from puppyhood. Raising a poodle is primarily about consistency and patience. It is also important to provide him with the right amount of physical and intellectual activity. A poodle is a dog that needs daily walks and playtime to get rid of excess energy.

It is also important to properly socialize the dog from puppyhood. The poodle needs contact with other dogs and with people to become confident and friendly with other animals and people.

For whom is the poodle suitable?

The poodle is a breed that is suitable for a variety of people and lifestyles. Because of its intelligence and ease of learning, the poodle is an excellent choice for novice dog owners. The poodle is also an excellent companion for older people who need a friendly and active dog.

Poodle – price

The price of a poodle depends on many factors, such as size, origin and breeding line. The average price of a poodle is about 2,000-5,000 zlotys. Poodles with an excellent breeding line can cost up to 10,000 zlotys.

Disadvantages and advantages


One of the disadvantages of the poodle is the demanding maintenance of the coat. It takes a lot of time and effort to trim and maintain a poodle’s coat. In addition, the poodle tends to grow teeth incorrectly, which can lead to dental problems.

Advantages of

The poodle is a breed that has many advantages. It is an intelligent and easily learned dog. The poodle is also a breed that is perfect for apartment life, as it is not much of a nuisance to neighbors. The poodle is also an excellent companion for children, due to its gentle and friendly nature.

Poodle – Health, diseases and grooming


Poodle is a breed that requires proper nutrition. It is advisable to choose high-quality food that will provide your dog with the right amount of protein, fats and carbohydrates. A poodle should receive 2-3 meals a day, depending on its age and physical activity.


The poodle requires regular grooming of its coat, which involves trimming and trimming. It is also a good idea to regularly wash the dog and comb its coat to prevent the formation of tangles.


The Poodle is a breed that is susceptible to many genetic diseases, such as von Willebrand’s disease, Addison’s disease, hip dysplasia and skin allergies. It is important to see your dog regularly at the vet and get genetic testing to detect and treat any diseases early.

Accessories and equipment or how to prepare for this breed?

Preparing to welcome a poodle into your home requires the purchase of several necessary accessories and equipment. The most important of these are a water and food bowl, toys, a bed and a leash and collar. It is also important to purchase a suitable brush and scissors for trimming the coat.

History of the poodle dog breed


The history of the poodle breed is quite long and interesting. The origins of this breed date back to at least the 15th century, where poodles were bred as hunting dogs, and their main task was to catch aquatic game, including ducks and other birds. Initially, poodles were bred in Germany and France, where they were primarily found in the form of dark-coated poodles, known as German Poodles.

Development of the breed

During the Renaissance, poodles became very popular among the aristocracy and quickly gained popularity throughout Europe. Italian masters like Leonardo da Vinci and Albrecht Dürer often immortalized poodles in their paintings, attesting to their high value as hunting dogs, but also as companions.

In the 17th century, poodles became much more popular in France, especially during the reign of Louis XV, who loved dogs and bred poodles at his court. It was in France that many innovations in poodle breeding were introduced, such as more aesthetically pleasing haircuts and selective breeding, which led to the development of new varieties, including miniature poodles.

In the 19th century, poodles became very popular in Britain, where they were incorporated into show dog breeding programs. Breeders focused on improving the dogs’ appearance, and many of these changes had a negative impact on the dogs’ health. During this period, many new varieties were developed, such as the royal poodle, miniature poodle and toy poodle, each of which differed in size and character.

In the 20th century, poodles became very popular around the world, and their popularity has not diminished to this day. Today, poodles are bred primarily as companion dogs, show dogs and canine assistants. Their intelligence, gentle nature and ease of learning make poodles ideal dogs for families with children and the elderly.


Today, poodles are bred in many countries around the world and are still very popular. Poodles are a dog breed that has a rich history, and their characteristics make them excellent companions for people of all ages.

Poodle dog pattern

The poodle dog pattern is strictly defined and regulated by dog breeding organizations around the world, such as the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) and the American Kennel Club (AKC). The standard defines both the external appearance of the dog and its characteristics.

The height at the withers for a large breed poodle is about 45-60 centimeters, and the body weight should be between 20 and 32 kilograms. The poodle should be strong, harmonized, athletic and well-muscled. The head should be long and rectangular, and the muzzle must be relatively short and wide. The ears should hang in a triangular shape with rounded tips, and the eyes should be dark and expressive.

The poodle’s coat is one of its most distinctive features. The poodle’s standard defines the coat as dense, curly and woolly. There are three varieties of coat: short, long and curly. The poodle should be clean and well-groomed, and its coat should be shorn and groomed regularly to prevent curling and shortening of the dog’s life.

The poodle’s character is also an important part of the pattern. The poodle should be lively, gentle and very intelligent. They are dogs that love people and make friends easily. They are also very loyal and devoted to their owners. The poodle is also a dog that is very active and enjoys running and playing outdoors. It requires regular physical and mental activity to stay fit and happy.

The Poodle dog standard also specifies certain defects that should be avoided in breeding. These include a chest that is too narrow, paws that are too tight, or limbs that are too short or crooked. If there are any defects, these dogs are not allowed to be bred or shown.

Poodle – interesting facts about the breed

Poodle is a breed of dog that certainly attracts attention with its unique appearance and character. Here are some interesting facts about this breed:

  1. Size
    Poodles come in four different sizes: miniature, small, medium and large. The largest of them – the large poodle – can weigh up to 32 kg, while the smallest – the miniature poodle – weighs just 2.5-4.5 kg.
  2. Hair coloring
    Poodles come in many different coat colors, including black, white, brown, cream, gray, silver, as well as a combination of these colors.
  3. Intelligence
    Poodles are considered one of the most intelligent dog breeds. They are easy to train and quickly learn new commands and tricks.
  4. Working dogs
    Poodles have excellent working skills, and are often trained as guide dogs for the blind or as rescue dogs.
  5. Popularity
    Poodles are one of the most popular dog breeds in the world. They are especially loved by people with allergies, as their coat is hypoallergenic.
  6. Famous poodles
    Many celebrities have or have had poodles as their pets, including Winston Churchill, Pablo Picasso, Mozart, Rihanna and Sharon Stone, among others.
  7. Poodle hairstyles
    Poodles are known for their distinctive hairstyles, especially popular during the Baroque and Rococo periods. These hairstyles were designed to help dogs navigate the water, but they also became a symbol of luxury and sophistication.
  8. High price
    Poodles are quite an expensive breed, especially for pedigree puppies. The price of a poodle depends on many factors, such as color, size, pedigree and origin.


In summary, the poodle is a breed of dog that is characterized by intelligence, gentle character and ease of learning. It requires proper grooming, upbringing and training to be balanced and function well in society. The poodle is a dog that can be an excellent companion for families with children and for the elderly.

Emily Carter is an experienced pet enthusiast and writer, with over a decade of experience caring for and working with animals. From her early days volunteering at animal shelters to becoming a pet care advisor, Emily has dedicated her life to understanding the unique needs of pets and helping pet owners provide the best possible care for their furry companions. She is especially passionate about topics like pet nutrition, behavior, training, and animal welfare.

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