Nurseries, what kind of fish are they, what types and are they difficult to breed?

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Nursery cichlids are sociable fish readily chosen for the aquarium by aquarium enthusiasts. They are considered one of the most beautiful and colorful fish that can be kept at home. There are a great number of species of cichlids – according to loose statistics, there may be even more than 1,600 of them. What should people, just beginning their adventure with aquaristics, know about them? What species of cichlids are suitable for the aquarium? Are they difficult to breed? We will try to answer these questions.

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Types of cichlids

Nursery cichlids are a species native to Africa and South America. They are fish that take care of eggs and fry, which is also where their name comes from. The most popular types of cichlids include:

1. Ramirez cichlid

Ramirez cichlid is a fairly popular species of fish from the cichlid family in Poland. It is mainly found in rivers in the area of Colombia and Venezuela. The fish are found in calm, open spaces in close proximity to lush vegetation. They are small cichlids that reach up to 7 cm in length in the wild, and slightly less in the aquarium. They are distinguished by their interesting disposition and beautiful coloration. Their body is slightly oval and laterally flattened. From the snout along the trunk 1/3 are yellow or yellow-green in color, while the rest of their body is kept in white and blue. In the throat area they have characteristic black spots. There are several breeding varieties of this type of cichlids for sale – including gold, blue, bright blue and short-bodied. What is worth knowing about their character? As a rule, they are calm and gentle fish, but during breeding they courageously defend their territory – they are able to chase up to 10 times larger fish than themselves. Their aggression at this time is usually directed towards representatives of their species, so when deciding to breed more than one pair, you should take care of a really large aquarium.

2. Cockatoo cichlid

Cockatoo cichlids in their natural habitat live in the rivers and streams of Peru, Brazil and Bolivia. They come in many different color forms, their dorsal fins resemble the tip of a cockatoo parrot, which is where their name comes from. They have a distinctive black and red mark on their tail fin. Males reach up to 8 cm in size, while females grow up to 5.5 cm. It is recommended that they be kept in harems with a predominance of females, due to the high temperament of the males. For a harem, a 70-liter aquarium with dense vegetation and many hiding places, which the fish are fond of, will prove sufficient. Those who decide to have several males must take care of a much larger aquarium, so that there are no fights between the fish. Cockatoo cichlids are suitable for a social aquarium, but other species of the cichlid family should not be kept in one tank. Fish are mainly fed live food such as larvae and frozen food. As a supplement to their diet, they can take dry food.

3. Bolivian cichlid

The Bolivian cichlid inhabits calm waters around Bolivia and Brazil. It reaches up to 8 cm in length in the wild, the males are slightly larger with longer fins, although it is generally difficult to distinguish the sexes in them. They are considered peaceful and sociable fish, but even so, it is not recommended to keep more than one pair in the aquarium, as there may be fights between males for territory. Nursery fish can be fed with varied food – both dry, live and frozen. Their diet should be varied with vegetables and fruits. A suitable tank for the pair will be an aquarium with a length of 80 cm, filled with sandy substrate, in which the fish can dig. It is worth taking care of numerous hiding places and lush vegetation, as well as slightly subdued light, which will make them feel secure and safe. Bolivian cichlids easily adapt to different parameters of the aquarium water, but it is necessary to change the water frequently to maintain a high level of cleanliness.

Are cichlids difficult to breed?

Nursery cichlids are readily bred for their attractive appearance. However, are they suitable for beginners? It is estimated that their breeding is moderate in terms of difficulty. The fish have their own requirements that must be met. Although they are usually peaceful and do not destroy plants, some species are more territorial and can be aggressive towards representatives of the same species. Therefore, it is not recommended to breed more than one pair – especially if you do not have a large aquarium. Fish are sensitive to poor water conditions, so great attention should be paid to its cleanliness and adequate oxygenation. They love all kinds of hiding places made of rocks and roots and dense vegetation.

Those who are beginning their adventure with aquaristics should acquire the necessary knowledge about them. Then they will certainly derive a lot of joy, every day admiring the fascinating coloration of cichlids and their interesting body shape, as well as how they exemplarily care for their offspring.

Elliot S. Radcliffe is an enthusiastic aquarist who has been deeply involved in the hobby for over a decade. Elliot discovered their passion for aquaristics when they inherited a small betta fish tank during college. This initial encounter sparked a deep interest in aquatic life and ecosystem management.

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