It happened! The little fluffy ball came to our home! The appearance of a pet that will become another member of the family is always a very exciting event. However, in order to live with a pet under the same roof was a source of joy, and not problems, it is worthwhile to accustom the kitten from the very beginning to the proper handling of physiological needs. How to teach a cat to use a litter box?

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Litter box for a cat – which one to choose?
The pet market offers us a very rich choice of cat litter boxes – closed, open, self-cleaning. We may be wondering what kind of litter box for a cat will be the best, so that he will gladly use it.
Contrary to appearances, choosing the right litter box is of great importance. The basic and easily available type is the open litter box, which has a single bottom and an edge surrounded by a frame. A shovel is used to clean it.
Double-bottomed cat litter boxes also have an open design, but consist of two levels. The upper level has an openwork design, and the lower level is sealed. When the litter box needs cleaning, all you have to do is lift the openwork plate and sift the litter.
Eagerly also chosen are covered litter boxes, that is, models with a canopy. Most often they have the form of a kennel with an opening that can contain a door. Such models are very discreet and aesthetically pleasing and can have an attractive design.
How then make a good decision? It is worth remembering that what matters to us – for example for example, the aesthetic appearance of the litter box and the absence of floating odors – is not necessarily is necessarily important for a purr. Some cats do not like to go through the swinging door and to settle in a covered litter box. So the choice will depend mainly on the preferences of the pet, which must be learned.
Cat litter – does it matter?
Once we have a litter box, it is necessary to stock up on litter. What kind of cat litter will be best?
Relatively popular is bentonite litter. Its advantages are its attractive price and efficiency. However, it is worth choosing clumping models, which minimize the the risk of unpleasant odors and make it easier to keep the litter box clean litter box.
Wooden cat litter perfectly absorbs urine and neutralizes odors. It is also safe for the environment, and it is not uncommon to flush it down the toilet.
Currently the greatest popularity is gained by Corn Litter, whose quality-to-price ratio to price ratio is the best. They are characterized by high absorbency and absorption of odors. They are clumping, which significantly facilitates maintenance, they can be flush them down the toilet.
What else is worth considering? Litter should not hurt the cat’s pads. It also happens that scented litter, for example, with an intense aroma of lavender, discourages Cats from taking care of their needs in the litter box. So, especially at the beginning, it is worth looking for products that absorb the unpleasant smell, rather than mask it – the first cat litter should not distract or irritate the cat. That’s why natural litter, such as wood, corn or bentonite, is recommended instead of silicone.

How to teach a cat to use a litter box?
Cats by nature attach great importance to hygiene, so the process of learning cleanliness itself is not too complicated is not too complicated. Burying feces is natural and instinctive in them – so they bury feces themselves instinctive – so they themselves come to the conclusion that a litter box filled with litter is the perfect place for their toilet.
Especially small kittens, however, we need to show them where their new bathroom is located. W to do this, it is necessary to often put your purr in the litter box – especially after waking up and after meals. When we notice that the cat is looking for a quiet place to settle its needs also should be moved, to the previously prepared litter box. We can also poke our finger in the clean litter to show the cat that it is perfect suitable for burying feces.
If the toddler settles in his toilet, he should be praised – for example, with petting. It is not recommended to reward your purr with food in the litter box, because when he begins to associate it with food he will not want to settle in it. Therefore, the cat’s litter box should always stand away from the food and water bowl. Purrs clearly separate the defecation zone from the food zone.

What to do if mishaps occur?
It may happen that small cats will settle outside the litter box. You should not then yell at them or punish them. You should move the waste and put it in the litter box – perhaps then the toddler will understand what the litter box is for.
Young kitten may also not remember the way to the litter box, if it is placed in a strongly distant place. So in the beginning, it’s a good idea to set it within sight of the litter box. The door to the room where it is located should always be open.
What can be the reason when, despite the correct training of the cat to use the litter box litter box, he settles in a different place? The reasons can be various, for example unsuitable litter. It is then worth experimenting with what the stores to choose a litter that suits the cat’s preferences. Often when learning hygiene, an open litter box with low edges works better. A small cat is easier to use it, and it also provides him with a suitable vantage point, making him feel safe making the little purr feel safe. Another reason could be some fundamental change in the environment, renovation, a new household member, etc. It is worth considering, before taking action.
Emily Carter is an experienced pet enthusiast and writer, with over a decade of experience caring for and working with animals. From her early days volunteering at animal shelters to becoming a pet care advisor, Emily has dedicated her life to understanding the unique needs of pets and helping pet owners provide the best possible care for their furry companions. She is especially passionate about topics like pet nutrition, behavior, training, and animal welfare.