How to breed Dumbo rats?

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Do you dream of a domestic pet that is sociable, extremely intelligent, graceful and on top of that easy to maintain ? Then adopting a Dumbo rat will turn out to be a hit! These cuddly rodents have many qualities with which they can surprise us, and their abilities make them ideal for home breeding. What is worth knowing before we decide on our first rat?

Dumbo rat character

Dumbo rats are extremely busy and curious rodents. They have a very rich social life – they love to play, chase and eat meals together. They are extremely intelligent animals – you can easily teach them many different tricks, as well as to respond to their name and come when called. Their sociable nature makes them perfect pets for children. Especially small rats are very curious and lively. Let out of their cage, they will look everywhere, and they may even bite us on some things. However, if we devote time to them, they will return the favor with a wonderful friendship.

Breeding a rat at home – where to start?

Before deciding to breed a Dumbo rat, it is worth knowing the basic information about these nice rodents, so that their life in our company will be happy and peaceful.

The basic point is that the Dumbo breeding rat is very sociable – in fact, it needs a devoted companion almost 24 hours a day. Therefore, it is not recommended to breed a rat singly. It is worth buying at least two individuals, so they can play with each other, sleep cuddled up, and clean and shell grains together. Watching two happy rodents will certainly bring us a lot of joy. We also do not have to worry that it will be more difficult to tame them then – they are pets that easily establish a strong bond with humans.

It is also worth remembering to provide a suitable cage for rats. These are rodents that are not among the smallest, so they need a spacious cage that will allow them to grow healthily. In it, our pet should comfortably stand on two paws and straighten up. The cage for a rat should therefore be large and suitable for this type of large rodent, and not designed for hamsters or mice. It is also worth noting whether it has adequate safety features that prevent the rat from escaping unnoticed.

How to breed a rat – feeding your pet

Breeding a rat is not complicated, and its basis is to provide your pet with a healthy and varied diet. It is worth buying high-quality food, as rodents will not eat contaminated or spoiled food. Dumbo rat should get fresh fruits and vegetables in addition to dry food, available in pet stores. It is an excellent idea to give him a small portion of fruits or vegetables every day, when we eat them.

It is also necessary to supplement his diet with vitamins, minerals and supplemental proteins. It is recommended to give the rodent dried fruits and all kinds of sprouts, herbs or hay. It is worth remembering, the Dumbo rat has incisors that need to be rubbed regularly, so you should make sure that there is always a piece of dry bread or special lime in its cage. The pooch should also have constant access to fresh water.

A well-fed rat will be healthy and will be our companion for several years.

Breeding rats – the important role of play

Rats are very busy rodents, so they need the right amount of exercise every day. So we can not leave them alone in the cage for a long period of time. Experienced breeders recommend that a minimum of one hour a day should be spent on playing with your pet. This time together can be used to tame the rodent – so that, in the future, we will be able to freely let it out of the cage to run out and run around the room. A well-behaved rat will easily return to the cage when called.

But what happens if we don’t devote enough time to the pet? A Dumbo rat that is poorly cared for may never tame or even go feral.

How long does a rat live?

When deciding on a pet, we certainly ask ourselves how long a farm rat lives. By nature, these animals are very hardy, so it is rare to see a sick rat. Sometimes illness can be the result of improper feeding or serious neglect of care. Despite their endurance and resilience, rats are not long-lived animals. Their life expectancy is between 2 and 3 years. It is rare for a rodent to live to 4 years.

What can we do to make our Dumbo rat live as long as possible and enjoy good health? It’s worth ensuring that he gets enough exercise and companionship so that he never feels lonely. Buying quality food and deworming are also of great importance. When we notice any symptoms of illness in our little companion, it is not worth delaying a visit to the veterinarian.

Clara is an avid rodent and rabbit enthusiast with over a decade of experience in caring for these charming creatures. Her passion for small animals began in her childhood, sparked by the adoption of her first pet hamster, and grew as she added rabbits, gerbils, and guinea pigs to her furry family. Through her articles, Clara shares insightful tips on care, nutrition, and enrichment activities to help fellow hobbyists enhance the lives of their pets. Her writing combines personal anecdotes with practical advice, making the world of small pets accessible and engaging for readers of all levels.

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