Hamsters are one of the most popular pets and a favorite of all children. Their small size makes them an ideal choice even for a small apartment. The cute appearance and friendly and sociable nature of these small rodents makes many families decide to buy a hamster. However, before adopting a furry animal into our home, it is important to ask ourselves a few questions – for example, how to breed a hamster and what a hamster can eat.

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Domestic pets for a small place
A new pet in the house is always very exciting events. Before adopting a hamster becomes a reality, it is worth knowing basic information about their nature and breeding.
Hamsters are rodents that are active at night and sleep a lot during the day. They love to be in constant motion – so you should equip the cage with special accessories to keep them active. On the other hand, once every few days it’s a good idea to let them out of the cage, taking all the precautions. Although they are generally sociable creatures, they need a few days to get used to their new owner. A little patience and gentleness will ensure that in the future they will willingly wander into our hands. It is still worth remembering that hamster hair can be allergenic, so before buying a pet it is good to make sure that none of the household members have allergies. If we happen to go away for a few days, we do not have to worry about our hamster – we can easily leave it alone for a while, if it will be provided with water and food.
How to breed a hamster – that is, we choose the right cage
Although hamsters give the impression of not being very demanding, contrary to appearances, we need to provide them with comfortable conditions, a lot of exercise and varied activity. Therefore, the cage for a hamster can not be small. Its size depends on the species of the pet, but on the market we can find universal proposals.
Hamster cages can be made of glass, plastic or metal. The most popular option are metal models with a plastic litter box. The sturdy bars provide additional variety for the pet, as it can climb on them, and we can mount additional accessories to them. A plastic litter box is easy to move and clean. In the case of a metal cage, it is worth paying attention to the distance at which the bars are spaced. It may be that some small breeds are able to squeeze between the bars. The most common distance is between 0.5 and 1 cm.
What accessories for a hamster should be in its cage? Certainly a drinker – hanging models are practical, into which dirt and fragments of litter do not get. Another essential item is a feeder, which can be plastic, metal, ceramic or clay, and a place for the toilet, located away from the feeder. A spacious cage should be equipped with additional attractions – such as a reel, house, floor, and all kinds of tunnels, thanks to which our pet will not be bored.

Hamster food – or what to feed your pet
Proper food for a hamster will keep the pet healthy and active for a long time. The hamster’s diet should be properly balanced and should give it the opportunity to grind its ever-growing teeth. What do hamsters eat? The basis of their nutrition is cereal grains. Other products such as fruits, vegetables and protein products only supplement the menu.
Ready-made mixtures of grains, it is best to buy from pet stores, as they are properly composed taking into account the needs of the little furry. They usually consist of rye, sunflower, wheat, corn, pumpkin seeds or amaranth. Before feeding the mixture, it’s always a good idea to make sure that there are no traces of mold or moisture, which could be very dangerous for the hamster.
Although fruits are not what a hamster eats in the wild you can feed them in small amounts, about twice a week. They have valuable vitamins and mineral salts. Fruits should be washed, peeled and cut into pieces. The hamster can be given blueberries, apples, raspberries, strawberries and grapes. Vegetables such as red beets, rutabagas, carrots, zucchini or cucumbers are also a valuable treat.
Due to hamsters’ dentition, hard products, namely fruit tree branches and corn cobs, are also essential in their diet. Although hamsters love sunflower seeds and nuts of all kinds they should be limited, as they lead to obesity – and this has a huge impact on how long hamsters live. Although their average life span is up to 2 years, there are rodents that live even longer.
Properly fed hamsters with plenty of exercise and activity will enjoy excellent health, shiny fur and a long life. We, on the other hand, will be able to enjoy watching their harrowing activities.

Clara is an avid rodent and rabbit enthusiast with over a decade of experience in caring for these charming creatures. Her passion for small animals began in her childhood, sparked by the adoption of her first pet hamster, and grew as she added rabbits, gerbils, and guinea pigs to her furry family. Through her articles, Clara shares insightful tips on care, nutrition, and enrichment activities to help fellow hobbyists enhance the lives of their pets. Her writing combines personal anecdotes with practical advice, making the world of small pets accessible and engaging for readers of all levels.