Dog shows are an extremely enjoyable and popular activity for many dog lovers. What’s more, it’s a great opportunity to strengthen our bond with our pet, gain experience in its care and upbringing, and meet other experienced breeders. How do you start exhibiting your dog?

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Dog shows how to get started? – a visit to the Kennel Club
Before we go to our first dog show with our pet, we need to complete several formalities.
The first important step is to become a full member of the Kennel Club, or ZKwP, the Kennel Club of Poland. This is an organization that brings together breeders and dog lovers and is part of a larger international organization called the FCI. It has 46 branches throughout Poland, so we can easily find one near our place of residence. The Kennel Club not only organizes dog shows, but also sports competitions, races or hunting dog competitions.
What does such a visit look like?
During the visit to the Kennel Club, the data of our pet and its owner will be entered to the books kept by the branch. So we must take with us the certificate of the four-legged dog, which we got from the breeder.
After completing these formalities and paying a fee, we will be able to receive a pedigree of our pet. What is a dog pedigree? It can be compared to a kind of family tree, as it confirms the dog’s belonging to a particular breed, its origin up to 4 generations back, and information about studies or achievements. Only four-legged dogs with a pedigree can attend dog shows – so it is a prerequisite.
Do we get a pedigree right away when we visit the Kennel Club? Usually we receive it only after a month or two of registration. However, if we ask for registration number of our pet, he will be able to participate in the exhibition of the of the youngest classes, even while waiting for the pedigree.

The next step – registering the dog for the show
If the most important formalities are behind us, it is worth considering how to register the dog for the show. The list of all dog shows, along with the place where they are held, the date and rank of the meeting, can be found on the official website of the Kennel Club. We can notice there a division into two main groups:
- National dog show – this is the basic type of dog show, which is most often held in an open area. Usually then we have to deal with a smaller number of dogs, from 600-1200. It can involve only one breed or dogs of all breeds.
- International dog show – a higher-ranking show held in larger cities and often in sports halls. Most often they are held from March to November and gather from 2500 to 3500 dogs.
Which dog show will be better for beginners? Many experienced breeders believe that a national dog show is a better choice for beginners, due to its due to its open nature and smaller number of dogs. These are factors, that contribute to a lower level of stress in our inexperienced four-legged dogs.
How do I register my dog for the show?
We also register our pet online. It is advisable to do this a month in advance. Once we fill out a special form, all that remains is to make the required payment. It varies depending on the breed to which our pet belongs and the class and titles held. Confirmation of application from the organizer we usually receive about a week before the show. You should print it out and have it with you. It is also worth remembering that the dog should be vaccinated before participating in the show and we should have the appropriate confirmation.
Dog show classes – what is worth knowing about them?
When registering your dog for the show, we will need to determine what class he belongs to. What does this mean? At dog shows, dogs are divided into different groups according to the FCI classification and age classes. We can distinguish the basic classes:
- Younger puppies – for dogs from 3 to 6 months old
- Puppies – for dogs from 6 to 9 months
- Junior – for dogs from 9 to 18 months
- Intermediate – for dogs from 15 – 24 months of age
- Open – for adult and mature dogs, over 15 months of age
In addition, there is also a utility class, designed for defense dogs or hunting dogs. We can also distinguish the champion class – dedicated to four-legged dogs, which already have to their credit no small achievements. The last class, which is also called honorary is the veteran class – dedicated to dogs that completed 8 years of age. The four-legged dogs participating in it do not compete for the champion title but are still in excellent show condition.

How to prepare for the first exhibition?
The basis during our first exhibition is a positive attitude. We should think not only about the goals we may be dreaming of, but first and foremost above all, to make it fun for us and our four-legged friends!
To ensure your pet’s well-being, don’t forget the dog bowl, where he will always have fresh water. A dog cage with its bed is also an excellent solution. This will allow him, at least for a while, to get away from the noise around and de-stress.
Emily Carter is an experienced pet enthusiast and writer, with over a decade of experience caring for and working with animals. From her early days volunteering at animal shelters to becoming a pet care advisor, Emily has dedicated her life to understanding the unique needs of pets and helping pet owners provide the best possible care for their furry companions. She is especially passionate about topics like pet nutrition, behavior, training, and animal welfare.