Dark circles under the eyes in a dog. How to deal with them?

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The Bolognese is an exceptionally cute human friend who brings happiness and positive energy into the home. Many people agree that black eyes accompanied by white fluff is an exceptionally sweet combination. However, the Bolognese, like any other dog, needs skillful grooming. Particularly troublesome can be streaks under the dog’s eyes, which are extremely common in this breed. How to deal with them?

Streaking under the eyes is not always a cause for concern

On a Bolognese’s white hair, dark streaks under the eyes become very visible. However, we often encounter only yellow discoloration, which is formed by wet tears, which is a natural phenomenon. Regularly used dog wipes to dry the eye area can improve the situation in this case. However, if the staining takes on a brown tint, we should think more deeply about the cause.

Dewy eyes

The most common cause of troublesome streaking in Bolognese is bacteria inside the eye, or yeast. They cause inflammation of the conjunctiva, making our dog tear more severely. It is the bacteria that are responsible for turning our pet’s hair brown. What should we do if we suspect conjunctivitis? We should visit a veterinarian, who will take a swab of the conjunctival sac. Treatment of this ailment is usually not complicated. The doctor will recommend antibiotic eye drops for dogs to help deal with the problem.

Allergies cause streaking

Irritation of sensitive eyes of Bolognese dogs can also be caused by allergies. Some dogs react this way to specific food ingredients, washing powders and even dust or pollen. Here a big role is played by observation of the pet. Sometimes it’s a good idea to prophylactically change the laundry detergent, floor cleaner or other detergent that the dog may come into contact with. Also, a dog muzzle or dog bed made of cheap, low-quality materials can cause allergies. When we suspect that the streaking is caused by an allergy after consulting a doctor, we can apply allergy eye drops to the dog, which should alleviate the symptoms.

Diet and an abscessed eye

As with humans, a four-legged dog’s diet should be individually tailored to him. Certain products or dog food can cause excessive tearing. It is often noticed exacerbation of streaking after eating poultry and grains – so you can eliminate these products from your pet’s diet for a while. It is also worth paying attention to ensure that wet or dry dog food is also free of such additives. Sometimes it is worth betting on special veterinary dog foods that improve digestion or promote the treatment of certain conditions that cause streaking. Examples include hypoallergenic food from Brit or Nature’s Protection, specially adapted for white breeds of dogs.

Supplementing deficiencies

A varied and vitamin- and protein-rich diet helps Bolognese dogs maintain a beautiful appearance. Sometimes they need additional supplementation to improve the condition of the coat, eliminating troublesome under-eye patches. What dog vitamins are particularly important? Due to the type of coat and coat color a Bolognese boasts, fatty acids, vitamin E and minerals such as zinc and copper should play a large role in its diet. An easy way to add variety to a four-legged dog’s diet is through dog treats, which help supplement deficiencies.

Proper grooming

In order for our pet to always stand out with a snow-white coat without patches or discoloration, we must rely on regular grooming. Such dog accessories as rubber bands or terry cloths, with which we tie his hair on his head, will be useful. This will prevent the strands from irritating the eyes, causing tearing and streaking. It’s also worth choosing a special conditioner and shampoo for your dog that has a bleaching effect. It also turns out to be helpful to regularly cut the small hairs in the corners of the eyes, which can cause irritation – this will be facilitated by a special dog clipper. It is not uncommon for new white hairs to appear after the stained hairs are cut out.

Other causes of under-eye patches

The cause of excessive tearing in Bolognese can also be fertility. After sterilization, tearing in some cases decreases and the streaks become less visible. Increased tear production can also be caused by stress or our pet’s longing. Often this can be caused by our departure, a move or a major renovation at home. In this situation, it is a good idea to regularly devote time to our pet by playing with him or going for walks. New dog toys or treats can de-stress him and provide positive stimuli. The problem of under-eye discoloration can also arise in young dogs during tooth replacement – sometimes you just have to wait out this period.

It is worth remembering that the causes of under-eye circles are many, so it is not uncommon that we have to spend a lot of time and effort to find them and choose the best course of action. As a result, our four-legged friend will enjoy good health and well-being, and we will be calm, completely eliminating the problem of streaking.

Emily Carter is an experienced pet enthusiast and writer, with over a decade of experience caring for and working with animals. From her early days volunteering at animal shelters to becoming a pet care advisor, Emily has dedicated her life to understanding the unique needs of pets and helping pet owners provide the best possible care for their furry companions. She is especially passionate about topics like pet nutrition, behavior, training, and animal welfare.