Crested Gecko Lighting, Heating & Humidity Requirements

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Lighting Needs

Crested Geckos are crepuscular, meaning they are most active during dawn and dusk. Consequently, their lighting requirements differ from those of diurnal reptiles. While they do not require UVB lighting as strictly as some other reptiles, providing a low-level UVB light can be beneficial. UVB lighting can enhance their overall health by aiding in calcium metabolism, which helps prevent metabolic bone disease.

When setting up your Crested Gecko’s enclosure, aim for a 12-hour light cycle. Simulating natural daylight patterns is crucial. Use a timer to automate the light cycle, ensuring consistency. Consider using an LED or fluorescent bulb that emits low-level UVB, and position it in a way that allows your gecko to escape from the light if desired.

Heating Requirements for Crested Geckos

Unlike many other reptiles, Crested Geckos thrive at room temperature, making them relatively easy to care for. The ideal temperature range is between 72°F and 78°F (22°C to 26°C). It’s crucial to avoid temperatures exceeding 82°F (28°C), as this can cause stress and health issues.

During cooler months, if your home temperature drops below the recommended range, consider using a ceramic heat emitter or a low-wattage heat bulb to maintain warmth. Always use a thermostat to regulate the temperature and prevent overheating. It’s also wise to provide a temperature gradient within the enclosure, allowing your gecko to choose its preferred comfort zone.

Humidity Requirements for Optimal Health

Humidity is a crucial aspect of Crested Gecko care, as these reptiles originate from humid environments. Aim for a humidity level between 60% and 80%. Proper humidity supports healthy shedding and respiratory function.

To maintain the correct humidity, mist the enclosure once or twice daily. Use a hygrometer to monitor humidity levels accurately. Incorporating live plants, such as pothos or ferns, can also help retain moisture and create a naturalistic environment.

Ensure the enclosure provides adequate ventilation to prevent mold growth, which can be harmful to your gecko. Regularly check for any signs of poor shedding or respiratory issues, as these can indicate improper humidity levels.


By understanding and implementing the correct lighting, heating, and humidity requirements, you can create a thriving environment for your Crested Gecko. Remember to monitor these conditions regularly and adjust as needed, providing a habitat that mimics their natural surroundings as closely as possible. With proper care, your Crested Gecko can enjoy a long and healthy life, bringing joy and fascination to your home.

Read more about Crested Gecko here:

John M. Harrison is a passionate terrarist and reptile hobbyist with over 15 years of hands-on experience. Based in Portland, Oregon, John has cultivated his love for reptiles, amphibians, and invertebrates by building and maintaining thriving terrariums and vivariums in his home. His articles, are dedicated to helping enthusiasts—both beginners and experienced keepers—create the ideal habitats for their pets. He shares practical tips, habitat guides, and stories from his own collection.

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