Guinea pig (domestic cavy) – characteristics, types, breeding

The guinea pig, also known as the pet jackdaw, is an adorable and popular pet that is becoming increasingly popular among animal lovers around the world. Although it is a small creature, it can bring a lot of joy to its owners. In this article, I will discuss the history of the origin of the …

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What vegetables and fruits can a guinea pig eat?

Guinea pigs are popular pets because of their cute looks and friendly nature. One of the most important aspects of guinea pig care is proper nutrition. In this article, you will learn what vegetables and fruits you can feed your guinea pig to ensure its health and well-being. What vegetables can a guinea pig eat? …

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Hamster at home – what do hamsters eat and how to breed them?

Hamsters are one of the most popular pets and a favorite of all children. Their small size makes them an ideal choice even for a small apartment. The cute appearance and friendly and sociable nature of these small rodents makes many families decide to buy a hamster. However, before adopting a furry animal into our …

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A hamster for a child or is it a good idea?

Has your little one been asking you for a pet for a long time? Some of the biggest favorites of children are hamsters. Although not everyone has the opportunity to have a cat or a dog at home, almost every apartment will have some space for breeding this rodent. What kind of hamster for a …

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Guinea pig diseases – What is worth knowing?

The guinea pig is an excellent human companion – it becomes very attached to its owner and loves to be stroked. Guinea pigs are also very delicate animals, so it is worth knowing the most common ailments that affect them and appreciate the role of prevention. Guinea pig diseases – what is worth knowing? Even …

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What can a rabbit eat? – Rabbit’s diet

Every owner of a miniature rabbit tries to take the best care of it and provide everything necessary to keep the pet healthy and happy. Extremely important is the proper nutrition of rabbits, which directly affects the length of their life. How to feed a miniature rabbit what to avoid? Rabbit nutrition – what should …

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