Border Collie – character, disposition, price

Reading time: 9 minutes

The Border Collie is one of the most intelligent and versatile herding dog breeds in the world. Capable of performing complex commands and jobs such as herding, obedience, agility and more, this is a dog that is sure to impress its owner. In this article we will analyze the characteristic features of the Border Collie, including breed description, character, skills, how to raise and train him, prices, advantages and disadvantages, health, diseases and grooming, breed history, Border Collie dog pattern and many interesting facts.

Border Collie – description and appearance of the breed

The Border Collie is a medium-sized dog with a muscular build and elegant body. His coat is long and dense, with a characteristic white patch on the nape of the neck. The Border Collie comes in a variety of colors, including black, brown, white and various shades of brown. Height at the withers ranges from 46 to 56 cm, and weight ranges from 12 to 20 kg.

Character of the Border Collie dog breed

The Border Collie is a dog with an extremely intelligent and complex character. It is a hardworking and dedicated dog that loves its owner and is loyal to its family. He can be gentle and friendly, but at the same time he is very active and needs a lot of exercise and activity. It is a dog that likes to be active and has a lot of energy to use. The Border Collie is also very sensitive and needs a lot of attention from its owner.

Skills – what should you know?

The Border Collie is a herding dog, and this means that it is very intelligent by nature and can work under difficult conditions. It is a dog that needs a task to be done and is highly motivated to do its job. The Border Collie can learn many different skills, such as herding, agility, obedience and even fetching.

What kind of personality does it have?

The Border Collie is a very intelligent and complex dog that needs a lot of attention and activity. It is a hardworking and dedicated dog that loves its owner and is very loyal to its family. The Border Collie is also sensitive and needs a lot of attention from its owner. He can be gentle and friendly, but at the same time he needs a lot of exercise and activity. The Border Collie can be a bit distrustful of strangers, but usually gets used to them quickly. They can also be great companions for children and other pets, provided they are properly trained and socialized.

Border Collie – how to train and raise?

The Border Collie is a dog that requires a consistent and responsible approach to training and raising. Early training and socialization are key to ensuring that the Border Collie will be well adjusted to life at home and in society. During training, it is important to remember that the Border Collie is highly intelligent and self-motivated, but at the same time is sensitive and needs positive reinforcement.

For whom is the Border Collie suitable?

The Border Collie is a dog for people who have the time and resources to provide him with adequate training and activity. It requires a lot of exercise and activity, so it is ideal for people who appreciate an active lifestyle and have access to green spaces. The Border Collie may also be suitable for families with children, but it should be noted that he requires proper training and socialization.

Border Collie – price

The price of a Border Collie can vary depending on the age, background and skills of the dog. The average price for a Border Collie puppy in Poland is from 2,000 to 4,000 zlotys, while for an adult dog the price can range from 3,000 to 8,000 zlotys.

Advantages and disadvantages


Border Collie is a dog breed that has its own disadvantages. For example, they are dogs that require a lot of exercise and mental stimulation, so if you do not provide them with enough activities, they can become restless and start destroying your property. It is advisable for the Border Collie to have at least 2-3 hours of physical and mental exercise every day to keep it balanced and calm.

Another disadvantage may be that the Border Collie is a breed that can suffer from separation anxiety. These are dogs that attach themselves very strongly to their handler and need constant human contact. If left unattended for long periods of time, this can lead to destructive behavior or other symptoms of anxiety.


Nevertheless, the Border Collie has many advantages that outweigh the disadvantages. They are intelligent dogs, easy to train and always willing to learn new things. With their amazing skills in herding, Border Collies are also excellent companions for hiking and other outdoor activities. They are dogs that learn quickly and are very eager to follow commands, making them great candidates for various forms of training.

Another advantage of the Border Collie is that they are extremely friendly and devoted dogs to their handler. They are very alert and can read their owner’s emotions perfectly. This makes them great living companions for families with children or for the elderly.

The last advantage worth mentioning is that the Border Collie is a dog breed with a low propensity for hereditary diseases. They are dogs that rarely suffer from genetic diseases and usually live long and healthy lives. However, like any dog breed, the Border Collie requires proper veterinary care and a proper diet and regular checkups to ensure a long and healthy life.

Border Collie – Health, diseases and grooming

The Border Collie is a dog breed that is usually healthy and lives quite a long life, but like any breed, they are prone to certain hereditary diseases and health problems. To ensure that your Border Collie lives a long and healthy life, keep in mind some basic dog care and grooming principles.


An important aspect of Border Collie care is diet. These are dogs that need the right amount of protein, fat and carbohydrates in their food to stay fit and healthy. It is a good idea to feed them a diet rich in animal protein, such as meat, fish and eggs. It’s also important to avoid feeding your dog excess sugars and fats, which can lead to obesity and heart disease.


The Border Collie is a dog breed that requires regular grooming to keep its skin and coat in good condition. The coat should be brushed once or twice a week to remove dead hair and prevent tangles. It is also important to bathe your dog regularly to maintain its hygiene. Keep in mind that excessive bathing can lead to the loss of natural oils from the dog’s coat, which can lead to skin irritation.


Border Collies are prone to certain hereditary diseases that are worth keeping in mind. One of the most common diseases is hip dysplasia, which can lead to mobility difficulties and pain. Another disease they are prone to is epilepsy, which can lead to seizures and other serious health problems. There are also other diseases they are susceptible to, such as eye disease, heart disease and neurological diseases.

Accessories and equipment

The Border Collie is a dog breed that requires a lot of exercise and mental stimulation, so it is important to provide it with the right accessories and equipment to help it play and exercise. For example, frisbees, balls and interactive dog toys can be a great way to give your dog the right amount of exercise and stimulation. It is also important to provide your dog with a comfortable and safe bed, as well as the right grooming accessories.

History of the border collie dog


The history of the Border Collie dog breed is very interesting and goes back a long way. The origins of this breed date back to around the 18th century, when breeders in Scotland needed dogs to help with farm work, especially herding. Originally, the dogs were called Scottish Sheepdogs, but after a while the name was changed to Border Collies because they originated in the border area between Scotland and England, called the Border Region.

The first written references to Border Collie dogs appeared in the mid-19th century, but it wasn’t until the early 20th century that the first attempts to standardize the breed began to appear. During this time, a group of breeders emerged who decided to create a breed that would be ideal for farm work. In 1906, the first Border Collie breeders’ club was formed to promote and develop the breed.

Development of the breed

In the years that followed, the Border Collie became increasingly popular, both in Britain and in other countries. During World War II, many of the breed’s dogs were used for military purposes, which contributed to their spread throughout the world.


Today, Border Collies are among the most popular dog breeds in the world, and their popularity continues to grow. In 1995, the International Border Collie Federation was established to promote the breed and set breeding standards.

It is worth noting that despite their rich breeding heritage, Border Collies are not yet recognized by the International Kennel Federation (FCI) as a separate breed. Many countries, including the United States, recognize the Border Collie as a separate breed, but in Europe and other continents they are recognized as a collie variety.

Despite this, Border Collies are extremely popular and appreciated around the world, both for their excellent herding skills and for their intelligence, gentle nature and loyalty to their owners.

Border collie dog breed pattern

The Border Collie breed standard is a set of characteristics and parameters that a dog of this breed must meet in order to be recognized as a purebred and admitted to dog shows. The standard is established by cynological organizations on the basis of FCI (International Kennel Federation) standards.

The Border Collie is a medium-sized dog with an elegant appearance. Height at the withers for males ranges from 48 to 56 cm, and for females from 46 to 53 cm. Body weight should be proportional to the height of the dog. The Border Collie has a muscular and compact body, which allows it to move quickly and agilely.

The head of the Border Collie is proportional to the body and is wedge-shaped. The nose is black, unless the dog’s coat is white or tricolor, in which case the nose may be brown. The eyes are medium-sized, oval and placed quite wide. Their color can be brown, blue, green or pink. The ears are medium-sized, standing or semi-standing, and their mobility expresses the dog’s emotions.

The Border Collie’s coat is dense, two-layered and of medium length. The top layer is soft and slightly wavy, and the undercoat is dense and short. All colors and their combinations are acceptable, except for chocolate and marbled.

Characteristic of the Border Collie is their intelligence, energy and industriousness. The breed standard also describes their temperament as lively, balanced and enthusiastic. Border Collies are very social dogs, adoring people and eager to work. They are tenacious and have an incredible passion, which makes them perfect as herding dogs, but also as dogs for dog sports.

Border Collie – interesting facts about the breed

The Border Collie is a breed that is very interesting and full of fascinating facts. Here are some of them:

  • The most intelligent dog in the world:
    The Border Collie is considered one of the most intelligent dogs in the world. Their intelligence allows them to learn new skills quickly and absorb training easily.
  • Border Collie and Guinness World Records:
    In 2011, a Border Collie named Chaser set a Guinness World Record by proving he could recognize more than a thousand object names.
  • As heroes:
    Border Collies are not only great herding dogs, but also heroes in other fields. For example, in 2018, a Border Collie named Gavel became “Australia’s most hated dog” after he was removed from police training for being too friendly with people.
  • As movie stars:
    Border Collies often appear in movies and commercials because of their beautiful coloring and intelligence. For example, in the movie “Babe,” a Border Collie named Fly helped a pig win a prize at a herding competition.
  • As a world heritage:
    In 2020, the Border Collie breed was added to UNESCO’s list of Intangible Cultural Heritage, confirming its value as a cultural and historical symbol.
  • Border Collie companions for athletes:
    Many athletes, such as runners and cyclists, choose to have a Border Collie as their companion because they need a lot of exercise and activity, which is ideal for people who play sports.
  • As friends for children:
    The Border Collie is also an excellent choice for families with children, as they are gentle and patient. Of course, as with any dog breed, the child’s interactions with the dog should always be supervised.
  • Border Collie in different countries:
    In different countries, the Border Collie breed can vary, especially depending on whether it is used for herding work or sports. For example, in the United States, the Border Collie is used more often in agility competitions, while in the United Kingdom it is primarily a herding dog.


The Border Collie is a unique dog breed that requires proper care, but can be a great companion for both active people and those looking for a companion dog. They are intelligent, self-motivated and very friendly, making them ideal partners for people who are willing to invest time and energy in training and caring for them. However, before deciding to buy a Border Collie dog, you should carefully consider whether it is the right breed for you and your lifestyle.

Emily Carter is an experienced pet enthusiast and writer, with over a decade of experience caring for and working with animals. From her early days volunteering at animal shelters to becoming a pet care advisor, Emily has dedicated her life to understanding the unique needs of pets and helping pet owners provide the best possible care for their furry companions. She is especially passionate about topics like pet nutrition, behavior, training, and animal welfare.

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