Blue-Tongued Skink Health Problems

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Common Health Issues in Blue-Tongued Skinks

Blue-tongued skinks are captivating reptiles known for their distinctive blue tongues and gentle disposition. Despite their hardy nature, they can still face several health problems. Being aware of these issues can help in early identification and treatment, ensuring your pet remains healthy and happy.

Respiratory Infections

Respiratory infections are prevalent among blue-tongued skinks, often caused by improper humidity and temperature levels in their enclosure. Signs include wheezing, nasal discharge, and lethargy. To prevent these infections, it’s crucial to maintain optimal environmental conditions with proper ventilation and humidity levels.

Metabolic Bone Disease (MBD)

Metabolic Bone Disease is a serious condition resulting from calcium deficiency or improper UVB lighting. Symptoms include swollen limbs, soft jawbones, and lethargy. Ensuring a balanced diet rich in calcium and providing adequate UVB exposure is essential in preventing MBD.


Parasites, both internal and external, can affect blue-tongued skinks. Internal parasites like worms can cause weight loss and diarrhea, while external parasites such as mites can lead to skin irritation. Regular veterinary check-ups and maintaining a clean enclosure are vital in keeping parasites at bay.

Shedding Problems

Improper shedding, also known as dysecdysis, can occur due to low humidity or dehydration. Retained shed around the toes and tail can cause constriction and lead to serious issues. Providing a moist hide and ensuring adequate hydration can help in facilitating proper shedding.

Stomatitis (Mouth Rot)

Stomatitis, or mouth rot, is a bacterial infection that affects the mouth and gums. It can be identified by swollen gums, pus, and loss of appetite. Poor hygiene and stress are common causes. Prompt veterinary treatment and maintaining a clean habitat are crucial for prevention.

Preventive Measures for Blue-Tongued Skink Health

Prevention is key to maintaining the health of blue-tongued skinks. Here are some preventive measures:

  • Provide a balanced diet with appropriate calcium and vitamin D3 supplements.
  • Ensure proper UVB lighting to aid in calcium absorption.
  • Maintain optimal temperature and humidity levels in the enclosure.
  • Conduct regular health checks and schedule veterinary visits.
  • Keep the enclosure clean to prevent infections and parasites.


Awareness and proactive care can significantly reduce the risk of health issues in blue-tongued skinks. By understanding the common health problems and their preventive measures, you can ensure a long, healthy life for your reptilian companion. Regular monitoring and a well-maintained environment are your best allies in promoting your skink’s health and well-being.

Read more about blue tongued skink

John M. Harrison is a passionate terrarist and reptile hobbyist with over 15 years of hands-on experience. Based in Portland, Oregon, John has cultivated his love for reptiles, amphibians, and invertebrates by building and maintaining thriving terrariums and vivariums in his home. His articles, are dedicated to helping enthusiasts—both beginners and experienced keepers—create the ideal habitats for their pets. He shares practical tips, habitat guides, and stories from his own collection.

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