Blue Tongued Skink Handling Tips

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Preparing to Handle Your Blue Tongued Skink

Before handling your skink, it is crucial to create a comfortable environment. Ensure the terrarium is secure, and the skink is accustomed to its surroundings. Avoid handling immediately after feeding or during shedding, as these are sensitive times for your reptile.

Additionally, wash your hands thoroughly before and after handling to prevent the transfer of bacteria or other pathogens. Wearing gloves can be beneficial, especially if you’re new to handling reptiles, as it offers an extra layer of protection.

Approaching Your Blue Tongued Skink

Approach your skink calmly and slowly. Sudden movements can startle the reptile, causing stress. It’s best to approach from the side rather than from above, mimicking a predator, which can trigger a defensive response.

Speak softly to your skink as you approach. While they may not understand the words, the sound of your voice can be soothing and help the skink to relax.

Picking Up Your Blue Tongued Skink

To pick up your skink, gently slide your hand under its body, supporting both the chest and the tail. Avoid grabbing the skink by the tail alone, as this can cause injury. Use your other hand to support its back, ensuring the skink feels secure.

Hold the skink close to your body to prevent falls. Blue tongued skinks are naturally curious and may explore your arms or shoulders, so be prepared for some movement.

Handling Techniques for Blue Tongued Skinks

Once you have your skink in your hands, keep movements slow and deliberate. Avoid making sudden jerks or quick motions that could startle the skink. Allow the skink to explore your hands, moving them gently if needed to keep the skink comfortable.

Monitor the skink’s behavior closely. Signs of stress include hissing, puffing up, or attempting to flee. If these behaviors occur, it’s best to return the skink to its enclosure and try handling again at a later time.

Increasing Handling Frequency

Regular handling helps the skink to become more comfortable with human interaction. Start with short handling sessions, gradually increasing the time as the skink becomes more accustomed to being held.

Consistency is key. Handle your skink at similar times each day to establish a routine, which can help reduce stress and build trust.


Handling blue tongued skinks can be a rewarding experience, fostering a strong bond between owner and pet. By following these handling tips, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable interaction for both you and your skink. Remember, patience and gentle care are essential to creating a positive handling experience.

Read more about blue tongued skink

John M. Harrison is a passionate terrarist and reptile hobbyist with over 15 years of hands-on experience. Based in Portland, Oregon, John has cultivated his love for reptiles, amphibians, and invertebrates by building and maintaining thriving terrariums and vivariums in his home. His articles, are dedicated to helping enthusiasts—both beginners and experienced keepers—create the ideal habitats for their pets. He shares practical tips, habitat guides, and stories from his own collection.

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