Has your little one been asking you for a pet for a long time? Some of the biggest favorites of children are hamsters. Although not everyone has the opportunity to have a cat or a dog at home, almost every apartment will have some space for breeding this rodent. What kind of hamster for a child will be most suitable? When to buy a hamster for a child?

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What species of hamster to choose?
The family decision has already been made and the adoption of a hamster is becoming a reality. Just wondering which hamster is the most gentle and will prove to be the best companion for a child? Here are the most popular species:
Syrian Hamster – is a charming rodent, which reaches a size of 13-18 cm. It is very popular because it does not require complicated care. This species is readily available, but due to its size it cannot be kept in a small cage. They are child-friendly hamsters, as they are characterized by a cheerful and stable character and are inclined to play. They are also easy to tame and are considered intelligent.
Hamster Roborovsky – is the smallest of the representatives of rodents. It reaches from 4 to 5 centimeters and is very fast and agile – which makes it not very suitable is not very suitable for stroking and taking on hands. Hamsters of this species are not easy to tame taming and are characterized by great individuality. They are very energetic and can many hours of frenzy in their cage.
Jungle Hamster – it reaches a size of 9-10 cm. It is characterized by distrust of people, but if it is patiently tamed from a young age, it can also prove itself as a companion. It needs a large dose of exercise. It is also necessary to have the right food for the hamster – as diabetes often occurs in this species.
Hamster for a child at what age?
Pros, that result from buying your kids a pet are really many. Often it is the child’s best friend, which must be properly cared for. The youngest then learn responsibility and develop an understanding of the world of plants and animals. Not infrequently, before the pet finds its way into the house, parents together with their child read books on breeding hamsters, which influences their development. A child observing a small rodent becomes more sensitive and strengthens its immunity.
What age is the most appropriate to give a pet to a child? Any decision to to have a pet must be thoroughly considered by all members of the family – after buying a hamster for a child, always a little responsibility falls on others. It’s also worth remembering that every child is different – youngsters of school age school age are very often already able to take care of a pet on their own. But this does not this means that you should not buy a hamster for a smaller child – you should just be aware that then the parents will mostly take care of it care for it.

What should be kept in mind when buying a hamster for a child?
Before a tiny rodent appears in our home, it is necessary to prepare the child for the arrival of a new member of the family. Toddlers should be told what hamsters are and how to deal with them. The mission of gifting a pet to a child does not end with choosing a breed and then a nice furry that caught our kid’s eye.
The parent should acquire the necessary knowledge about the rodent – for example, what kind of cage for a hamster will be suitable, how to keep it clean and what accessories for a hamster should be included in it. Although a young child will enjoy having a pet, he or she will not know how to provide the pet with everything it needs. It is therefore incumbent on the parents to take care of the pet’s well-being.
Toddler should be made aware that hamsters are rodents with a nocturnal lifestyle. When child will remember this, he will not be disappointed that the pet most of the day sleeps, and goes crazy only at night – often when the children go to bed. For this reason for this reason, it is good to choose wisely the place where the cage will be located of the pet, so that the pet does not disturb the children while they sleep.
Although hamsters get used to a new home quite easily, the first week is worth spend on taming them. It is then necessary to refrain from taking them on hands and stroking. A squeezed pet may even injure the child. However, it is worth give the hamster treats – for example, carrots and apples.

Is it worth buying a hamster for a child?
Especially recommended rodent for children is the Syrian hamster. The choice of such a companion for a young person may prove to be a good idea. Caring for a pet will help him to develop many positive values. The rodent is also cheap to maintain maintenance and does not require complicated care. A young person who has certain responsibilities – for example, the care of a living creature, more quickly becomes responsible.
Clara is an avid rodent and rabbit enthusiast with over a decade of experience in caring for these charming creatures. Her passion for small animals began in her childhood, sparked by the adoption of her first pet hamster, and grew as she added rabbits, gerbils, and guinea pigs to her furry family. Through her articles, Clara shares insightful tips on care, nutrition, and enrichment activities to help fellow hobbyists enhance the lives of their pets. Her writing combines personal anecdotes with practical advice, making the world of small pets accessible and engaging for readers of all levels.